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Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to the French data protection law of 6 January 1978 (amended), the personal data that you provide in the forms on this website are collected and processed by ADERLY, which is the data controller. You have various rights regarding your data. For further details on how we handle your data and your rights, please refer to our privacy policy. You may exercise your rights vis-à-vis ADERLY: -by post: ADERLY - Agence de Développement Économique de la Région Lyonnaise, Place de la Bourse, 69289 LYON Cedex 02; -or by email: aderly@investinlyon.com (stating in the Subject field: “À l’attention du Délégué à la Protection des Données” or in English “FAO the Data Protection Officer”. Please be reminded that the privacy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the network and that each web user is responsible for taking all appropriate steps to protect their own data and/or software programs from contamination by any viruses on the Internet.
Website design and build
26 rue Burdeau
69001 Lyon
Website hosted by:
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69001 Lyon
The Ambassador extranet is hosted by:
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69100 Villeurbanne
Bertrand FOUCHER, ADERLY executive director
Associate Publisher
Gauthier DUBOS, ONLYLYON Manager
ONLYLYON coordination team:
Emmanuelle SYSOYEV (Strategic Development Manager INVEST & ONLYLYON)
Sonia ABID-DHAOIDI (Business and Organisation Manager)
Lucile BRUYÈRES (Social Media Manager)
Polina DERKACH (Communication Manager)
Photographs © :
Julie Cherki, DMKF / DIDIER MICHALET, Brice Robert, Jacques Leone - Grand Lyon, - Lyon Tourisme et Congrès, Jérôme Michaud MRC Production, ONLYLYON, DreamArtMedia, Delphine2lyon, Mark Holdefehr, Trent Erwin / Unsplash, Nino Versal, Jérôme Poulalier, Nicolas Villon, Ben DLG, Robin et les Super Héros, Bertrand Gaudillière, Vladimir DMDJ.
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