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Lyon, one of France's largest cities and a major cultural and academic centre, is one of the most attractive places in the world for students looking for an international environment. As a foreign a student, you may want to study in Lyon even if you don’t speak French. Don't worry: it's perfectly possible, especially as both universities and private schools offer programmes in English that are accessible to all international students. Lyon's academic institutions offer a welcoming and inclusive environment in which to pursue your studies. Find out more about the opportunities that await you in the city and how your stay can be a cornerstone of your international education journey!

What universities and schools in Lyon offer programmes in English?

Lyon is home to many world-renowned universities and private schools, attracting students from all over the world and offering a wide range of courses in English in a variety of disciplines. The University of Lyon is made up of 11 members, the most famous of which are Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Université Lumière Lyon 2 and Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. These 3 institutions alone give you a lot of choice, as they offer many programmes in English in various fields, such as:

  • Biology, computer science, chemistry (Université Lyon 1),
  • Management and international business (Université Lyon 3).

Other members of the University of Lyon also offer international programmes taught in English, for example:

  • The engineering school INSA offers, among others, a Bachelor in mechanical, materials and aerospace engineering ;
  • The ENS offers specialised programmes in advanced economics or computer science,
  • The École Centrale Lyon offers English-taught international master’s degrees in various disciplines such as acoustics, aerospace engineering, nanoscale engineering, materials science and engineering…

Lyon is also home to private institutions such as business schools that attract international students with courses taught in English. Such institutions include:

  • EM Lyon, which offers several programmes for international students in areas such as digital marketing, data science & AI strategy, finance, health management, supply chain…
  • INSEEC, which offers programmes in English in international business management, cosmetics industry, international finance analysis…

And those are only examples of schools and universities that offer programmes in English in Lyon. By exploring the websites of these prestigious institutions, you will discover many other opportunities to prepare for the career of your dreams!

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Living in Lyon as an international student

Living in Lyon as a foreign student is an adventure in itself in a city that offers a blend of historic charm and modern conveniences. Finding your student accommodation in Lyon will be the first step, with many options ranging from university residences to private rentals. You will have the opportunity to share your apartment with other students, which is a great way to meet people your age from all over the world and broaden your horizons. The cost of living in Lyon is relatively low compared to other major European cities such as Paris.

Thanks to the city’s international and inclusive environment, you can definitely live there even if you don’t speak French fluently. People from all over the world live there and countless tourists visit the city every year. That’s why the city has adapted and communication is often facilitated by multilingual signs, menus and services. This multicultural hub offers a welcoming atmosphere for foreign students. You will feel at home in an environment that encourages cultural exchange both inside and outside the university. Besides, many universities offer language support services if you want to speak a bit of French for your daily life. And of course, you always have the possibility to learn the language!

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Networking as an English-speaking student

When you join an English-taught course in Lyon, you will also benefit from many opportunities outside the classroom. There are many opportunities for professional development and networking, especially for students studying in English. Universities and private institutions in Lyon have links with industries and companies in the metropolitan area and beyond, and will facilitate your first professional experiences. There are many international companies that welcome English-speaking students.

Universities and private institutions also offer workshops to help you create a résumé that will help you adapt to French standards and prepare you for job interviews. You can also get advice on preparing for an international career.

As an international city, Lyon hosts many networking events, from large conferences to small and informal business events, where students can meet professionals from all over the world. Educational institutions also maintain alumni networks that create a sense of community and mutual support, encouraging students to explore their aspirations and career goals in the vibrant and cosmopolitan environment of Lyon.

If you like it here, know that you will also have the opportunity to find an English-speaking job in Lyon after your studies.

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Adjusting to your life in France

When you come to study at a university in Lyon, you need to take the right steps to adapt to your new life. You will need to be open to the rich culture and lifestyle of France. First, you will need to learn the nuances of French etiquette and social norms. One of the best steps is to learn basic French phrases, as this will be appreciated by the locals and make everyday interactions easier. A simple “bonjour” or “merci” will go a long way!

The French generally like to maintain a certain formality when speaking to new people. For example, addressing people as “monsieur” or “madame” is the norm in most contexts (don’t worry, you won’t need to be so formal in class with your peers).

Adjusting to the French way of life in Lyon will require you to keep an open mind and to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Try new experiences, the more curious you are, the better your experience as an English-speaking student will be!

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Come and study in English in Lyon!

The many opportunities of English-taught programmes in Lyon are perfect for preparing you for your future career. From international curricula to personal development, the city will foster your global mindset and teach you the importance of multiculturalism and many of the human qualities recruiters are looking for. To prepare for your studies in Lyon, visit the Campus Lyon website.

Prepare your studies in Lyon!